All photographs on this site are copyrighted to David Zentz or the stated publication. Reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Friday, March 30, 2007

"Haulin' House"

"Haulin' House"
"Haulin' House"
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Rick Goodwin, owner of Goodwin House Moving out of Washington, Iowa, takes a break on a roadside bank while waiting for Ameren to clear power lines while moving the home of Tom and Toni Waldschmidt south along N Blue Ridge Rd en route from Henry to Mossville Tuesday afternoon. Moving the 100-year-old structure across 22 miles of sometimes curvy and steep country roads was an exhausting, all-day affair, requiring a crew of movers as well as coordination with multiple counties, Ameren and railroad workers. The home has been in the Waldschmidt family for three generations and was being moved so they could keep it in the family, but closer to home. The move was also being taped by HGTV for the show "Haulin' House," which will air in about 6 weeks. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

"Haulin' House"

"Haulin' House"
"Haulin' House"
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Tom and Toni Waldschmidt move their home along N Blue Ridge Rd through North Hampton from Henry to Mossville Tuesday afternoon. Moving the 100-year-old structure across 22 miles was an all-day affair, requiring a crew of movers as well as coordination with multiple counties, Ameren and railroad workers. The move was also being taped by HGTV for the show "Haulin' House," which will air in about 6 weeks. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

"Haulin' House"

"Haulin' House"
"Haulin' House"
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Tom Waldschmidt talks with a friend during an hour-long wait at the intersection of N Blue Ridge Rd. and E Truitt Rd. as AmerenCilco employees temporarily cleared low-hanging power lines further up the road. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

"Haulin' House"

"Haulin' House"
"Haulin' House"
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

The 100-year-old home of Tom and Toni Waldschmidt approaches a winding hill on N Blue Ridge Rd. Moving the 100-year-old structure across 22 miles was a slow-going, all-day affair, requiring a crew of movers as well as coordination with multiple counties, AmerenCilco and railroad workers. The move was also being taped by HGTV for the show "Haulin' House," which will air in about 6 weeks. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

"Haulin' House"

"Haulin' House"
"Haulin' House"
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Tom Waldschmidt follows behind his 100-year-old house as it hauled down a hill on N Blue Ridge Rd in North Hampton. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Stephen Shoup of Bloomington holds a sign saying "Peace is Patriotic" as he joins the Peoria Area Peace Network in front of the Federal Building in Peoria to protest the war in Iraq as it moves into its 5th year Tuesday afternoon. The small crowd was encouraged by passers-by who honked in support, but also received criticism from a few claiming they were not supporting the troops. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Jake Heflin, 20, of Creve Coeur soars over the heads of fellow skaters and onlookers at the East Peoria Skate Park on Sunday afternoon. DAVID ZENTZ


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

A skateboarder completes a grind at the East Peoria Skate Park on Sunday afternoon. DAVID ZENTZ


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Austin Lusher, 12, rests under a bench as friends skate around him at the East Peoria Skate Park on Sunday afternoon. DAVID ZENTZ


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Austin Lusher, 12, can't quite reach a dropped can from his seat atop a skate ramp while hanging out with friends at East Peoria Skate Park on Sunday afternoon. DAVID ZENTZ

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

The faces of fans during March Madness show their enthusiasm and emotional investment in IHSA basketball.

Annette Gualandi, Putnam County Panthers DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Tanner Pries, 18, Nashville Hornets

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Linda Reckmann, Nashville Hornets

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Sarah Stobaugh, 17, Farmington Farmers

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Terry Gualandi, Putnam County Panthers

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Brittany Bryant, 17, North Lawndale Pheonix

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Elizabeth McDuffie, 15, Maroa-Forsyth Trojans

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Grant Stewart, 18, Farmington Farmers

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Leanne Kreps, Maroa-Forsyth Trojans

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Ryan Williams, 10, of North Lawndale Pheonix

Faces of Madness

Faces of Madness
Faces of Madness
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Kaleb Stewart, 15, North Lawndale Pheonix

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Accessing the Experience

Accessing the Experience
Accessing the Experience
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Jackie Cech, 16, and Drew Dotzler, 17, right, reach for a pass while warming up with their basketball team, the Nebraska Red Dawgs, in the in the atrium of the Peoria Civic Center before competing for third place in the National Wheelchair Basketball Association Junior Varsity National Tournament during March Madness Access the Experience Sunday afternoon. The event opened up the March Madness Experience to individuals with disabilities, their family and friends. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Accessing the experience

Accessing the experience
Accessing the experience
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Left to right, Jackie Cech, 16, Scott Sampson, 15, and Andrea Frey, 14, warm up with their team the Nebraska Red Dawgs before competing in the National Wheelchair Basketball Association Junior Varsity National Tournament during March Madness Access the Experience Sunday afternoon at the Peoria Civic Center. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Accessing the Experience

Accessing the Experience
Accessing the Experience
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

William Smith, 15, of Stewartstown, Penn. hops off his wheelchair to get a better angle while taking a turn at the World's Biggest Basket - a game in which contestants must slingshot a tiny basketball high up into a larger-than-life hoop - while attending March Madness Access the Experience with his mother Sunday afternoon at the Peoria Civic Center. He was also there to compete with his team in a wheelchair basketball tournament, which has been going on at the same time as the Boys IHSA Tournament at the Peoria Riverplex and the Civic Center. "It's been quite a weekend," Smith says. "We've been busy." DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Monday, March 12, 2007

Rockets on the ice

Rockets on the ice
Rockets on the ice
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Professional motocross racer Rob Pearson, 21, of Chillicothe slides across an oval track atop 10-inches of ice covering the Illinois River in mid-February. Amateurs and professional bikers from as far away as Wisconsin came out for 2 weeks in February for the rare opportunity to race their bikes on the ice, which hadn't frozen solid for years. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Rockets on the ice

Rockets on the ice
Rockets on the ice
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Brad Wilkinson of Pekin takes a break on a bed of fresh snow as bikers race along the track behind him. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Rockets on the ice

Rockets on the ice
Rockets on the ice
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Studded tires drilled with approximately 250 screws make racing around the icy track possible, digging into the ice as riders approach curves at speeds of up to 80 miles per hour. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Rockets on the ice

Rockets on the ice
Rockets on the ice
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Kenny Barth of the Peoria Motorcycle Club pauses after taking a spin on the track. Barth, 61, was responsible for obtaining permits and getting permission from the owner of the Burger Barge, who allowed the bikers to use her lower lot as a loading point. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Rockets on the ice

Rockets on the ice
Rockets on the ice
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Ian Keith, 12, of Brimfield zips around the track at speeds of about 80 mph. The youngest rider on the track, he's considered by many in the business to be the next big thing. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Rockets on the ice

Rockets on the ice
Rockets on the ice
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Professional motocross racer Daren Carter, 20, of Bloomington chases 14-year-old Kevin Vance, around the ice track on the 10-inch thick ice racetrack on the Illinois river just north of I-74. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Rockets on the Ice

Rockets on the Ice
Rockets on the Ice
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Amy Fell, 19, takes a snapshot of her boyfriend Blake Young, 19, before he hits the ice. The couple came down from Wisconsin to ride the track set up by members of the Peoria Motorcycle Club. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Rockets on the ice

Rockets on the ice
Rockets on the ice
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Sammy Clark Jr., in front, and Kenny Barth from the Peoria Motorcycle club carve a track on the frozen river through eight inches of freshly fallen snow. Clearing a quarter mile track took them about two hours. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Rockets on the Ice

Rockets on the Ice
Rockets on the Ice
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

On the second weekend of riding, river water started pooling on top of the ice near the track, a sign that the end was near for the riders. Despite solid ice after weeks of cold, the riders were only able to race for two weekends. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Sonar swat

Sonar swat
Sonar swat
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Tom Havrilka of St. Louis takes some time to enjoy the beautiful weather with a game of softball with friends and family in front of the Sonar Tide sculpture at the Peoria Civic Center on Sunday. He and other fans were taking a breat between games at the IHSA Class A Boys State Tournament at Carver Arena. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Bryan Warman, left, and Luke Sukow, both of Clarksville, Tenn., attend Gary Wessels' Galesburg Horse Market at the Heart of Illinois Arena on N Galena Road in Peoria. The monthly auction brings plenty of people looking to buy everything from saddles and stirrups to horses. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR