All photographs on this site are copyrighted to David Zentz or the stated publication. Reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Like nothing else

Like nothing else
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Dontarius Clark, 10 plays with a new remote controlled Hummer he received for Christmas in front of his house on W Spring Hollow Lane in South Peoria Sunday morning while hanging out with his cousins and siblings. Few children were to be seen out playing with new toys Sunday due to chilly, gray weather and perhaps the ever-growing popularity of video games. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Spreading cheer

Spreading cheer
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Diane Broe, 47, left, greets Louise Washington, her daughter Jasmyne and and her husband, James Washington, Sr., back right, as her son Tim Broe, 29, follows her in with a box of hot meals and a newspaper, courtesy of the South Side Mission, Sunday morning. The Washington's son, James Washington, Jr., 20, is serving in the Marines and made a special request that meals be delivered to his mother on Christmas. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

John Walker, 24, of Peoria blows into a computerized, talking breathalizer vending machine at Richard's bar on Main Street Wednesday night. Despite following the instructions, the machine told him he was "bombed." "I only had two beers," he said. The machine was recently purchased by the bar as a novelty, but is supposed to provide a somewhat accurate assessment of the user's level of intoxication. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Bears fans Kelly and Hoyett McKenzie of Joliet roar along with the crowd as the home team takes the field prior to taking on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Soldier Field Sunday afternoon. The Bears narrowly won 34-31 in overtime. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Vigil Against Violence

Vigil Against Violence
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Laciya Spires, 19, right, and Lathaniell Spires, 16, stand with a picture of their mother, Carla Spires, at a prayer vigil against violence and domestic abuse on the corners of S Western Ave and W Kettelle St Monday night. Spires was the most recent of a record 18 murders in Peoria this year. Her death left her three children in the care of her younger sister, Tammy Spires, who was also in attendance. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Monday, December 18, 2006

Vigil Against Violence

Vigil Against Violence
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Eriona Brown, 12, helps protest violence as the reverend James Polk addresses a small crowd of about 50 gathered for a prayer vigil on the corner of S Western Ave and W Kettelle St. Monday night in the wake of the death of Carla Spires. Spires was the 18th murder victim in Peoria this year. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Apart for the Holidays 1

Apart for the Holidays 1
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Sarah Rogers, 24, attempts to keep the gang - daughters Alysa, 3, left, Alivia, 1, right, and 4-day-old Aiden - together for a portrait at her home in Washington, Ill. Tuesday night. Her husband Chris left in October for his second tour of duty in Iraq and has since missed Aiden's birth as well as the death of his grandmother. His absence is making the holidays particularly stressful for the family this year. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Apart for the Holidays 2

Apart for the Holidays 2
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Sarah Rogers, 24, nuzzles 4-day-old Aiden at home in Washington Tuesday night. Her husband Chris missed his delivery while serving his second tour of duty in Iraq, which will keep him away from the family for another year. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Monday, December 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Rescue crews prepare to help a woman out of her car before placing her on a stretcher as a firefighter pours an oil absorbant on the blacktop following a 6-car crash on northbound 116 near the intersection of Highview Road Monday night. Ten were sent to the hospital following the wreck caused by an off-duty El Paso, Ill. police officer who is being charged for a DUI. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Santa for Seniors

Santa for Seniors
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Retired truck driver Frank Hoffman, 69, tears up as he receives a surprise delivery of Christmas gifts from volunteers Mel and Teddi McCaw at Saint Francis Woods senior home in Peoria Sunday afternoon. The couple were two of more than 50 volunteers who personally delivered gifts to 775 seniors and shut-in individuals who may not have otherwise received Christmas gifts this year. In its 21st year, the program, run by Neighborhood House in South Peoria, gathers donated gifts from UFS, the Salvation Army and private individuals. "I don't know what to say, or how to say thank you, but it means an awful lot," Hoffman said. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Sunday, December 03, 2006

An Icy Abode

An Icy Abode
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Lataia Booker, 5, peers out of a skylight carved in the ceiling of an igloo built by Troy Keefer, 26, Jawaun Payton, 18, and Tyreese Brown, 21, in front of their home on Sloan St. in Peoria. After spending the whole day in building the structure, the three spent the night in it, despite temperatures dipping as low as 4 degrees. "With our body heat it felt like like a good 35-40 degrees." Keefer says. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

'Tis the Season

'Tis the Season
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Skinned deer, Lake Ave., Peoria, Ill.

Friday, December 01, 2006

School's Cancelled!

School's Cancelled!
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Woke up to 10-12 inches of powdery white stuff this morning, which nearly buried Adam's car in the foreground. The first snow of the year cancelled pretty much everything in town and knocked out power across much of Central Illinois. Fortunately, not here. More fortunate, I'm off today!