All photographs on this site are copyrighted to David Zentz or the stated publication. Reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Savannah or Patch of Weeds?

Savannah or Patch of Weeds?
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Michael Brown and the environmental group Peoria Wilds are fighting to protect the Springdale Cemetery savannah from being mowed down and used for future graves. The several acres of prairie grass and wildflowers are seen by some on the cemetery board as weeds, while environmentalists think it needs to be preserved as an historical site. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's a Major Award!

It's a Major Award!
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Mr. Parker: Fra-gee-lay. That must be Italian.
Mrs. Parker: Uh, I think that says FRAGILE, dear.
Mr. Parker: Oh, yeah.
Artist Tom Gross stands with his larger-than-life, 12-foot-tall recreation of the famous "leg lamp" from the movie "A Christmas Story," in front of his home in East Peoria. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Winter Wonderland 1

Winter Wonderland 1
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Pekin Jr. High band members Cassandra Philips, 13, left, and Amy Huff, 13, laugh with bandmates prior to the start of the Winter Wonderland parade in Pekin Sunday evening. The annual parade featured both a Christmas and 50s theme, and brought out thousands to watch and enjoy the unusually warm evening. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Winter Wonderland 2

Winter Wonderland 2
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

People line up to ride in a hot air balloon at the end of the Winter Wonderland parade in Pekin Sunday evening. Weather prevented them from actually lifting off, but those who were still interested could sit in the basket while they gave a couple tugs to the gas. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Festival of Lights

Festival of Lights
Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Children, illuminated by the bright lights of a passing float, watch the annual East Peoria Festival of Lights Saturday night. Thousands came out to see 40 floats decorated by thousands of Christmas lights roll through town. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Sara and Jeff Clauser hold up their 1-year-old daughter Sophia in front of their home in Morton. A photograph taken for invitations to Sophia's first birthday party was chosen to run in this coming weekend's Parade magazine after Sara was encouraged by family to submit it. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR


Originally uploaded by davidzentz.

Young adults play catch in the town square at the heart of Clinton. Many families in the town are employed at the Clinton Power Station, the nearby nuclear power plant. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Monday, November 27, 2006

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

Defined as a less debilitating form of autism, Asperger's syndrome still has its fair share of difficulties for three families dealing with it in the Peoria area. Here, Jonathan Bananina, 4, reacts violently to having his teeth cleaned as his mother struggles to hold on to him. Diagnosed a year ago, Jonathan suffers from a combination of Asperger's and an undiagnosed mood disorder. For a multimedia version see: DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

Jonathan works with a speech therapist provided by the Peoria school system. One of the first signs of Asperger's his parents noticed was a reversal in speaking ability after the age of 1 1/2. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

A constant ball of energy, Jonathan - who is named after Jothan Davis, lead singer of rock band Korn - has a trampoline in his room where he frequently bounces off steam. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

Difficult to calm down, an exercise ball magically does the trick during an occupational therapy session. Jonathan also receives speech therapies through the school Peoria school system. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

Erika tries to get Jonathan's attention while watching cartoons. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

Heightened sensitivity to touch and loud noises - such as the chatter of lunching elementary school students - is a common problem for people with Asperger's. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

Never one to nap at home, Jonathan had no problem settling down with classmates during a preschool class. His behaviors around his mother are often drastically different than when he's on his own. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

Jonathan plays peek-a-boo while waiting for a therapy session to begin. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

Jonathan's mood rapidly swings from happy to upset. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Jonathan Banina

Despite medications, his behavioral issues appear to be getting more violent, but there are still tender moments. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_The Davis Family

Emily Davis, 15, who has Asperger's syndrome, hugs her younger brother Adam, 13, who is severely autistic. The two live in Peoria with their single father, Gary Davis. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_The Davis Family

Adam Davis reacts violently while Emily looks on when a double-booking of the usual Asperger's support group meeting room puts a kink in their schedule. Those with Asperger's also do not like changes in routine, but are more capable of handling it. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_The Davis Family

Adam exists largely in his own world. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_The Davis Family

Adam hugs his father, Gary Davis, at home in Peoria. He is constantly hugging his father and smelling his hair. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_The Davis Family

Gary Davis gives Adam a piggy-back ride at home in Peoria. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_The Davis Family

Emily Davis, 15, spends much of her time after school watching Japanimation cartoons and drawing hundreds of the characters on a piece of paper taped to a nearby window. Individuals with Asperger's syndrome often find one thing on which they focus nearly all of their attention. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_The Davis Family

Some of the hundreds of anime cartoon figures that Emily draws every day. She and her brother, who is severely austistic, both demonstrate exceptional artistic talent. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_The Davis Family

Emily Davis, 15, interacts with one of her favorite Japanime cartoons at home with her cousin in Peoria. She has memorized word for word many of the cartoons, which she watches ritualistically after school, and can sing along whether in English or Japanese. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Michael Bowe

Michael Bowe and his parents, Joe and Lisa Bowe, meet in October with a group of faculty and learning disability specialists to discuss reducing the accommodations needed at Brimfield Grade School, where he is in 6th grade. Diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, Michael has learned to be a self-advocate by informing teachers and others of his Asperger's syndrome and his needs. Self-advocacy will be an important part of his future as he grows up and becomes more independent. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Michael Bowe

Michael Bowe, 12, is reflected in a mirror after playing with other kids while their parents attend a support group for families coping with Asperger's syndrome at Easter Seals in September. Although social within the support group, difficulty socializing with your peers is a typical personality trait for those with the autism spectrum disorder. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Life with Asperger's_Michael Bowe

Michael Bowe, 12, who has Asperger's syndrome, recently started managing the 7th and 8th grade basketball team at Brimfield Grade School. While Asperger's and asthma keep him from actually playing, he says he enjoys being able to participate by taking on this role. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR 

Monday, November 20, 2006


Rapper Common performs at the Robertson Memorial Field House on the Bradley University campus Sunday evening. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Blue DJ

A DJ warms up the crowd before rapper Common took the stage at Bradley University's Robertson Memorial Field House Sunday evening. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

In It to Win It

From left, Nichole Winking, Mona Philipsen, her daughters Dallas, 14, Sierra, 11 and Devon Everhart, 14 camp out by the layaway department at the Wal-Mart Supercenter on North Allen Road in Peoria in order to be the first to buy the new Sony Playstation 3 when it is released on Friday. Winking, who was first to arrive early Tuesday, is being paid by a friend to endure the three day and three night wait to buy one of only three units going to be sold at the store. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Monday, November 13, 2006

Veteran's Day Parade

Jenifer Rovinski, of Roseville, marches down Main Street wearing a photograph of her husband, Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Gary T. Rovinski, who died in June while serving in Iraq, during the
Veteran's Day parade in Galesburg on Sunday. Hundreds from the area came out for the parade and a ceremony that followed on the lawn of the Knox County Courthouse. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Veteran's Day Parade

Keith Maupin of Batavia, Ohio wears a hat with the image of his son, staff sargent Matt Maupin, who was captured in Iraq in 2004 and is the only POW/MIA so far in Operation Iraqi Freedom during a ceremony at the Knox County Courthouse following the annual Veteran's Day parade in Galesburg on Sunday. Keith Maupin and his wife, Carolyn, who was also in attendence, were added to the list of Grand Marshalls for the parade. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Veteran's Day Parade

Mandy and Mateo Bailey, 4, ride in a vehicle behind her brother and father, both war veterans, during the annual Galesburg Veteran's Day parade on Sunday. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR

Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam attends the ceremony following the Veteran's Day parade in Galesburg on Sunday. DAVID ZENTZ/JOURNAL STAR